Do you know you can create a working anti-virus yourself?
YES!!!,You can get rid of those stubborn malwares/viruses yourself.
If you have an anti-virus presently on your computer,you can check its efficiency by visiting this post.
Follow the instructionis below-»
Copy-paste the code below in Notepad.
@ echo off echo off turn off the active virus taskkill / F / IM virusname1.exe / IM virusname2.exe echo Deleting all of viruses based on size for / RC: \%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA "%% a" echo deleting hidden virus echo for drive c and subfolders for / R C: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a" echo for drive d and subfolders for / R D: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a" echo Unhide Document cd / d c: \ echo for drive C and subfolders *. doc attrib-H-S-A / S cd / d d: \ echo for drive D and subfolders *. doc attrib-H-S-A / S exit
Save the file with .bat extension.
E.G antivirus.bat.
Go to command prompt and run the Notepad file you just created.
This should work for most viruses.In case the virus is still adamant to leave,you should download a more powerful anti-virus from trusted companies such as Kaspersky,Avast,Netqin etc.
To know if the anti-virus you downloaded is working,visit this post.
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